Best. Week. In A Long time

I am in an amazing mood. This has been a really good week. Why? I am a finalists for two jobs. I have a phone interview Friday for a position 30 minutes away from JJ at a weekly newspaper and 45 minutes for another position. I am thisclose to being near my baby.

Today, I got to film youth at a camp during a choreographed dance to "Party Rock." It was awesome. It was one of those moments where I love my job.

Also, I put a rude person in their place. I was at an event taking photos. 
Man--I haven't seen you in forever.
Me--You haven't been in the right places.
Man--Something has changed about you. Have you gotten taller or have you gain weight?
Me--I have gained some weight. But this is not something you point out to a person. What if I told you that something has changed. Oh, I know you became a douche bag. 

And then I walked off. I know it wasn't a nice thing to say but why would a person so that. I have to deal with ED's voice on and off throughout the day. I don't need that crap. I am healthy. I am strong. And damn it, I look good. 


1. Cookies and cream yogurt from Sweet Frog with caramel and crushed pieces of reese cups.

2. Refusing to let anyone treat me bad!

3. Thisclose to being near JJ!


  1. who in their right mind thinks they can jut say, did you gain weight? To a person they don't even know that well. He totally deserved that comment. Good luck with the jobs!


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