Countdown to fitness boot camp

Happy Fourth of July! It has been a pretty decent weekend. The fitness boot camp starts Thursday at 5:30 p.m. To prepare, I have been working out each day along with following a special meal plan. The meal plan has been the hardest. I can only eat chicken, fish or whey. Plus, I can only eat certain fruits and veggies. It has been a complete lifestyle change that left me in tears at one point. The high points are drinking more water and less sodas, eating healthy and exercising regularly. The low points were no junk food, no pasta and no orange soda.

I found out the formally name for the camp is a "Bikini boot camp" and a lot of those signed up are pros at this. Technically, my food plan is a diet. And for a few days last week, I was always hungry and was scared that if I ignored the hunger, it might lead to restricting. After a chat with my boss, I felt a little better. I know it has been a week but I have noticed my pants fitting a little better.

I got a phone call from my husband that scared me Sunday. JJ came to him and said he had been playing around on the bed and fell off of it. One er visit, a x-ray and some stickers, my little one was diagnosed with a bruised arm and no broken bones. And JJ, who is quite the trouper, said it was no big deal. It is moments like that when I miss him so much more.

Since I worked on Saturday,  I will not get the three-day weekend that the rest of world got. But I have made significant progress with my room. I have managed to successfully put all my clothes in their proper place. For the past month, they have been piled on my bed with me going through the pile trying to find something to wear. The living room looks great and the kitchen is more organized.

So far, it has been a good summer.


1. JJ's arm is not broken!

2. On the road to being fit.

3. Being able to sleep in my bed.


  1. I can't imagine doing a boot camp. It would kill me, well not literally but physically. I don't really exercise that much but walk everywhere because Andy and I don't drive. We get around my city by pretty good public transport. Good luck with the boot camp. I hope it goes really well. Oh and I'm glad to hear that JJ's arm is okay.


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