My Life Long To-Do List

This is where I keep my ambitions, my desires and my goals--all in a neat little list. Some may be huge and others may seem insignificant but they are all the things I want to do in my lifetime.

Be able to make enough money doing what I love and not having a "day" job.

Publish an article in a magazine.

Write a novel or memoir. Or both.

Being able to make a living freelancing.

Win a writing prize--I won honorable mention in the Carolina Woman essay contest in May of 2009.

Attend the James Dean Festival.

Get a passport.

Take a vacation where all I do is lay on the beach and drink fruity "beach" drinks.
Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans

Go on a cruise.

Spend New Years Eve in Las Vegas.

See the pyramids in Egypt.

Ride in a submarine.

Visit every state.

Drive cross country.

Run with the bulls in Spain (I don’t mind if I don’t go the whole distance.

Be welcomed with a lei as I arrive in Hawaii

Attend the Kentucky Derby.

Plan a wedding--This was some hard work but did it with the help of many friends.

Get married--I got married on March 27, 2004

Own a house--As of June 2008.

Complete my college degree.

Be able to truly be myself around other people and not give a damn what they think (I do this on a limited basis with close friends and the like - but most of the time I use those wonderful things called facades in public).

Throw a dinner party with multiple courses that all turn out perfectly (or at least edible).

Be a mom--My beautiful boy was born November 23, 2005

Become fluent in Spanish.

See a Broadway show.

Be a guest DJ at a radio station.

Learn to play chess.

Meet Dean Koontz (one of my favorite authors.

Perform a sponsored feat (marathon) for charity.

Learn how to belly dance.

Get my teeth in working order.

Maintain my goal weight of 110 pounds.

Go to more concerts of people I’ve always wanted to see live.

Devote more time to maintaining my friendships.

Keep a good relationship with my parents especially my mom

Take a ballroom dancing class.

Milk a cow.

Be in a movie or a tv show, even if I am just an extra.

Ride in a horse-drawn sleigh.

Put together a cookbook of favorite recipes from myself and friends.

Meet a president of the United States.

Make a cheesecake on my own.

Read all the Harry Potter books—need to read the final one

Continue my journal-writing habit (I have lost count on the number I am on)

Sit on the hood of a car with someone eating pizza and watching planes take off and land.

Throw a rock down the Grand Canyon.

Test-drive a car I could never afford.

Throw a huge party for someone.

Have a candlelit dinner somewhere unusual.

Attend a black tie affair.

Ride in a hot air balloon.

Go on a picnic at a park (did it as a kid.. want to do it as an adult now).

Go to Timbuktu.

Attend both Winter and Summer Olympics.

Teach somebody to read.

Go sailing.

Learn to identify all of the major constellations.

Interview someone famous.

Have a meal in San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Ride in a cop car (in front or at the very least not because I’ve been arrested.

Spend the night in a really nice hotel.

Learn how to swim so I can swim the length of a pool.

Attend the Oscars.

Visit the grave of Vincent van Gogh.


  1. Oh, I LOVE this list!! It gives me chills -- the happy kind. It's always good for me to remember WHY I'm recovering. I have lists of my own, in my own head. Maybe I should put them on paper. There really is SO much to live for. I get in funks when life seems so mundane, and maybe it is sometimes...but there are opportunities out there. One question: Milk a cow? Really? Haha.

  2. Great list! That ought to keep you going awhile, eh? I'm a huge fan of lists. I break mine down into sub-lists in fact - short-term quickie stuff, and long-term gotta plan for this list. Love the milk a cow one on yours - I grew up on a farm - it's a hoot!

  3. My grandmother always talked about milking cows and taking care of the chickens. It always made her so happy. So I've always wanted to milk a cow.

  4. i love this post -- it's really motivating and touching. i don't write "wish" lists but now i think i will.

    thank you.

  5. Your list is inspiring. Reading other people's aspirations always brings a smile to my face.

    I had no idea there is a James Dean Festival!!!! Riding a hot air balloon would be incredible. That's one of my dreams too.


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