Mommy's helper

I have been busy trying to make sure the house looks decent for Mother's Day. I had a helper helping me with it all. My son dried some small bowls. He helped to vacuum and organized the dvds JJ style. Now, we are at my sister-in-laws making cookies for my husband. He loves peanut butter cookies so we decided to surprise him.

Overall, it has been a pretty decent day. I have tried to stay busy so I want think so much. I also had a chance to watch my son favorite movie, Cars. I have seen this movie so many times I can be in another room and still know what is going on. It's a great movie. I am trying to talk my son into watching the Wizard of Oz. We are trying to give poor Spiderman a rest.

I will try to get some pictures of the kitties in the next few days. They are a little shy right now. But they are so cute.

I am looking forward to Mother's Day because it means my mother is still surviving. And she is and enjoying every minute of it. My brother is cooking the Mother's Day dinner tomorrow. He has become quite the cook in the past few months. He wasn't pleased with my cousins' various dishes at the Christmas Dinner. His cake was excellent and everyone like my green bean casserole. I think because they knew how my ED had affected my cooking ability. Many moons ago, I wanted to be a chef. I had a lot of potential but the journalism and my ED took over. I think it was for the best that I got into the journalism. I wouldn't have been able to survive the many hours in the kitchen while eating next to nothing. So my brother has taken over as the family cook. Congrats and more power to him. Now he will be responsible for coordinating family events.


  1. What a darling picture! I'm waiting anxiously to see the kitties :)


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