A new day

I don't know if it is going to rain or just look like it all day. I did a lot of research yesterday on ED specialists in my neck of the woods. My husband has decided that he would rather pay than get the services for free. He thinks it will be cheaper to go to Charlotte than Chapel Hill--gas and timewise.

I was upfront with him that he is looking at anywhere from $50 (on cheap side) to easily $200 an hour. I let him know that there can be no backing out. I have commitment to a level of treatment for my recovery so I want to stay on track. He agreed that we would find treatment for me. I'll keep you posted on the search for treatment. Today is one of those days where there is no set schedule. I am working on the alphabet with my son. He knows it with the exception of a few letters out of place. Of course, his favorite letter is J. I think my husband wants to go grocery shopping. He and my son take forever in the store. Once, he took so long that I finished half of a 600 page book.

Overall, I feel pretty good today. I just have to take one day at a time and see where it takes me. One of my friends gave me a gratitude journal to write in each day. Since I have already started one, I just put my gratitude in this blog and my regular journal. I will call it my Daily Dose.

Daily Dose:

1. My son is still seizure free.

2. I found my favorite pair of flip flops. They had been missing since July.


  1. I love daily gratitude :) Keeps me sane. I think it's great that you're committed to treatment. I know cost is an issue (it is for me, for sure), but it's so worth it. You sound really dedicated to recovery, and that's GREAT.

  2. We have a budget in mind so hopefully I will find someone that I am comfortable talking with. It's all trial and error.


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