Family day

I think we are going to join my sister-in-law and her daughters at the beach this afternoon. My husband hasn't decided yet so I am trying to get some stuff done. If we go, this is going to be so much fun. My son loves the beach. Plus, I think we are going to try to go bowling tonight. It will be his first times. I so enjoy watching him experience the firsts. It makes my heart and soul so happy. Yesterday, we worked on counting. Not to brag but my little guy can count to 30. He's a little smartie. And he is soooo outgoing.

I remember one time we were at Wal-Mart standing in line. Behind us was a rough looking biker dude with the tattoos and everything. My son smiles at him and says "hey what's your name? My name is JJ!" And then my son held his hand out. By the time we had checked out and were leaving the man remarked how he was having a bad day but my son cheered him up. It makes me happy to know my son has this ability to help others.

It's moments like this that help keep me going. Moments that keep me on the path of trying to deal Ana. I want to be around to see my son experience his first. Plus, my baby has discovered girls at three years old. Actually much older girls. He found a cousin's Maxim with a bikini clad girl on the cover. He now likes "sexy ladies." This is what he calls girls in bikinis--sexy ladies. So if we see some at the beach, he will be very happy. Ahh, my baby is growing up so fast. First walking, then potty training and now girls. I guess I can't keep him a baby forever. So I will enjoy it while I can.

It's a lovely, sunny day so I need to finish up my errands and gather up our stuff. To all, have a happy Saturday and a even happier Sunday!!!!!


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