Being productive!!!

Yesterday, I called 14 eating disorder specialists in this area. I have talked with 10. One in particular stands out. Plus, the study folks called this morning and said they were so impressed with the progress I am making that they would be willing to allow me to stay in the program free or at a reduced rate. What's a girl to do when so many want to help. I made an appointment to meet with JE, the possible new therapist. We talked for about 30 minutes on the phone and I felt very comfortable with her and she dropped her rate per hour significantly for me. Plus my therapist at Chapel Hill has spoke highly of her. I feel very hopeful in the direction things are headed.

My husband and I talked. He is willing to pay for me to go somewhere nearby. He didn't comment on the Chapel Hill too much. Probably because I mentioned their concern with him possibly backing out on the new therapist. When things are so out of control and disordered, I have no appetite but I had some garlic toast for a breakfast snack and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. I am leaning toward a chili dog and fries when I'm done blogging. Today is not an organized eating day. I think I might have a really good prospect for a job but I think I will keep this quiet. I don't want to get my hopes or others up.

Had plan to go to the park with JJ but it is now raining cats and dogs along with thunder and lightning so we'll just color in my Curious George coloring book. Yes, I love to color. And my son loves to color with me. George never looked quite so orange. And then we'll watch some Word Girl and Martha Speaks. I tell you PBS rocks. My son has expanded his vocabulary thanks to those shows. Oh my, big sound of thunder, I better get off here before I get hurt.


  1. Glad to hear you're making progress! Just reaching out to people can feel so empowering. I hope you find someone helpful, at a reasonable rate. It sounds like your husband is supportive, and that's great :)


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